Saturday, December 4, 2010

New Program Layout

Today 10:15am
-Intu-Flow Intermediate

I am getting ready to start my new program next week. I have to get some things together though. I had to put Tacfit Commando Recruit Mission 3 and Cricket, Ocean and Wind from Prasara Primer 2.0 onto a DVD so I can put it on a portable DVD player. I don't have an ipad like some of us... Dean ;).

My program is going to be as follows...

No - Intu-Flow Intermediate
Low - Cricket, Wind, Ocean x3 from Prasara Primer 2.0 *All beginner
Mod - TACFIT Commando Recruit Mission 3
High - Compound 15lbs CB Work (7 sets of 7-8 reps) 30sec rest between each set
- Front Swing
- Gama Casts
- Barbarian Squats

I am pretty pumped about this plan I have to try to get in the Prasara in that will be my challenge. Thanks to MikeRNY for helping me with the program. He's a very driven/motivating individual who has been my mentor since my first step into CST.

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