Well I finaly got some training in...
Intuflow Intermediate
CB compound work
Swing 20# 8x8
Gama Casts 25# 8x8
Barbarian Squats 20# 8x8
TACFIT Commando Cooldown #2
I ran for 8 minutes at 6.5 and sprinted at 8.5 for a total of 9 minutes, just checking the legs before my physical testing.
Played around with the rings
I opened up my Elite Rings last night and put them up today. They are nice and sturdy, here is some pictures of the rings with the set up. I think I am going to put another 4'x6' up behind the beam you see in the pictures with anchor points to clip the rings into this way they are out of the way depending on what I am doing training wise. The Carabiner make it really easy to take them down and put them up, they are rated for 300lbs each so I think I am safe. The work bench and freezer is going to go and that area is going to be padded mat for yoga and body weight stuff.
Looks great Brian. I actually started Rings 1 last night. Great stuff, you should put that on your list of programs to get if you haven't already. I'll be doing it again tomorrow night. Steve Maxwell has a really good Rings DVD as well if you like his stuff.
Burly workout.
Ring setup looks good! How much clearance do you have around the rings?
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