Thursday, December 16, 2010

Compound Mod Day

December 16, 2010 9:00am
Intu-Flow Intermediate
#15 CB Compound Training
-Double swings 8x8
-Double gama casts 8x8
-Barbarian Squats 8x8
TCMDO cool down #2

RPE: 6
RPD: 2
PRT: 9


Deanmc said...

Glad to see you've found a way to use your CBs indoors during these cold days. How are you liking mixing it up a little with TacFit and CB training? I'm digging my current regimen of TFC and TFKBS.

Brian said...

Dean, I'm loving it! I am really enjoying the change of pase every other MOD/HIGH session. I enjoy the bodyweight stuff but I also really enjoy weighted work so it works well for me. I saw your post on RMAX to someone asking about mixing up things. I commented on it as well. This is a compleatly new way of training and I am finding it is working.

Deanmc said...

As much as I absolutely love and believe in Tac-Fit and 4X7 it does get a little boring week after week of the same thing. I totally understand where Coach Sonnon is coming from when he talks about "Cocktailing" your training with too much of a varied approach.

The neat thing about using the various Tac-Fit programs is that they all train around the concept of the Six Degrees of Freedom. So mixing it up a little isn't such a bad thing since you are always working on one exercise for each "DOF". It's really pretty cool when you think about it.

morazi said...

Looks like another good workout. Keep it up!

Definitely very cool that you are get work in with the CBs and really seem to be finding your rhythm with them!

The idea of alternating back and forth between is sounding really genuinely interesting -- I'll have to actually sign up to the RMAX boards at some point...

Brian said...

Dean, it is pretty cool!

Mike, Thanks! I am enjoying using CB's mixed in with TACFIT. Yet get on those boards! my name is RedDawn289 on there. It is busy at times and slow at times but there is always someone around to answer your questions when need be. Scott even gets his words of wisdom in every once and a while you can't beat that for advice.