Friday, November 5, 2010


- Intu-Flow Intermediate
- Prescribed stretches

Tacfit Commando Recruit Mission 2 (HIGH)
- Lunge Twist - 6
- Revolving Table - 4
- Scorpion Crucifix - 8.5 
- Bear Squat - 11
- Rocca Forearm - 10
- Bridge Clap - 6
Total = 45.5
- Prasara Yoga Compensation
RPE: 9
PRD: 2
RPT: 8
Great workout today, I thought I went a little bit over board yesterday but I really pushed it today. Got to love the 4x7 wave. Today I really felt the benefits from it. I have to be careful not to over due the revolving table because it does twinge my knee a bit but not to the point where I feel I should stop.
It's time for me to go grocery shopping for my lunches for my weekend at work. And have to go pay some bills, something we all LOVE doing!

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