Sunday, November 7, 2010

Low Intensity Day

- Intu-Flow Intermediate
- Prescribed stretches

Now that my knee is cleared from restriction with my Doctor I have got to get something going with my Prasara Primer. I have everything there in front of me I just need to implement it into my "Low" days. Even if that means learning just one flow and going from there. The only issue I have is that most of my "Low" days are on work days. The only way working in the yoga is to do it early because in the evening it's my mine and my wife's time. I will have to pick a flow and see how long it takes me to practice. That should determine how much earlier I will be getting up.

Lately for some reason I have been really wanting to bring some traditional weight training back into my routine. I need to rearrange my gym so I have a little more space to move. This way I can do all my training in that room rather then in two rooms. Once that's done I might look into bring back some weight training a following a 4x7 wave with it. I think this is creeping into my head because like I said before I would like to put on some size this winter after reaching my goal weight of 190lbs. I would love to do something with a heavier clubbell however I just don't know if I can fun buying new equipment right now and I have a hell of a lot of weight just waiting to be picked up downstairs. I don't know... I am just going to keep my mind working until I reach the goal weight and take it from there.

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