Tuesday, November 16, 2010

I'm Still Around

Don't worry everyone I am still alive and kicking. It has been a busy few days. I went to Niagara Falls Saturday to Sunday for some shopping and some R and R with my wife, it was great.

I have also been running around and have not had time to put up a blog. I am still going strong!

The good news that I got is having me run around a bit. I am also trying to study as much as I can.

busy, busy, busy...

Sunday (MOD) (3)
TFCMNDO: Total score = 55

Monday (HIGH) (3)
TFCMNDO: Total score = 62

Today 6:45am
- Intu-Flow Intermediate


morazi said...

Nice! Glad to see you are still working hard.

Deanmc said...

Glad to hear you are still going strong Brian. I figured you just got busy.
