Monday, October 4, 2010

Cold High Intensity Day

Weather: Low of 3 (feels like -1) high of 13 sunny

Intu-Flow Intermediate

Clubbell BB swipe density cycle (Moderate)
- 15min of 7 reps each minute on the minute

Prasara yoga asanas done once for cool down
- Plow
- Cobra
- Downward Dog
- Cat
- Shoulder Bridge
- Pigeon (lite on left knee)
- Shin Box Twist (lite on left knee)

It was a cold one on my deck today, I did my Intu-Flow in my basement and moved brought the clubbells outside. It was cold but I had on some lululemon pants and a lose Underarmor long sleeve shirt on so I was just warm enough. Once I got moving it didn't feel that bad. The hands were a bit cold but nothing unbearable.

I worked on the selective grip that Dean was talking to me about and I felt like I was starting to get it. It was subtle however my hands and forearms didn't start to hurt was quickly as they did before.

I am off to get some groceries after I wright this. This afternoon I will be going to play 9 holes with my mom. She has two rain cheques for a course close by so she invited me to come along. I looks like it's going to be a nice day fall, not too hot not too cold. It should be nice to see the trees that have changed.


Deanmc said...

Good way to brave the cold. I wussed out and trained indoors today, it was raining here too. Cold, Wet, Windy... that combination puts me inside every time!

Brian said...

Dean, cold and a bit of wind I can do but with rain on top of that, no way. I worked out inside today because of this reason