Sunday, October 3, 2010

Low Intensity Sunday

Weather: low of 9 high of 14 the weather has been cold and rainy all weekend. It sucks because this is my weekend off.

Yesterday I didn't end up getting any work in at all it was my "No intensity" day any ways but I didn't get any any intu-flow. I did a lot of walking around. My wife and I went out shopping for costumes for a Halloween party that we are going on at the end of the month. I was going to be Richard Simmons but I couldn't find shorts that matched the part so I am going to go as Obama. I got a mask and I am going to wear a suit. My wife still doesn't know what she wants to be yet.

- Intu-Flow warm up

Prasara yoga asanas done once for cool down
- Plow
- Cobra
- Downward Dog
- Cat
- Shoulder Bridge
- Pigeon

I got a good sweat going in the asanas and it felt really good. My back was a bit sore from the running around and the up and down, in and out of the car. It is nice and lose now though.

I have Monday, Tuesday off so I have a good opportunity to get in two good Moderate and High sessions in.

Now I am going to enjoy my nice warm coffee.

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