Sunday, October 31, 2010

Mod/High Days / Moving On

Saturday October 30, 2010
Intu-Flow Intermediate

Clubbell BB swipe density cycle (Moderate)
- 10min of 10 reps each minute on the minute
Prasara yoga asanas
- Plow
- Cobra
- Shoulder Tread
- Downward Dog
- Upward Dog
- Cat
- Shoulder Bridge

45min walk with my wife and dogs.

RPE: 5
RPD: 2
RPT: 9

Sunday October 31, 2010
Intu-Flow Intermediate

Swipe Century Test 100!!! Compleated in 5:10, what a feeling to get it!

Prasara yoga asanas
- Plow
- Cobra
- Shoulder Tread
- Downward Dog
- Upward Dog
- Cat
- Shoulder Bridge

45min walk with my wife and dogs
RPE: 9
RPD: 3
RPT: 8

Well I did it, 100 continuous double swipes. I told my self to just get it done so I grinded it out and did it. What a feeling after finishing today that's for sure. My wife was working out in the basement at the same time but I didn't tell her I was going for it before. At the end I said to her "I did it 100 swipes" and she congratulated me. I said to her that it might not sound like a big deal but I explained to her that this was my fourth attempt and that I was getting frustrated with it. She understood and congratulated me again but only I get that true feeling of accomplishment. It is just one of those things that only you yourself will really get. The accomplishment to me was not the fact of doing it, it was the fact that I stuck to it and got through what I started. I just want to thank Mike and Dean for encouraging me through it as well. Dean I know you have done the 100 double swipes quite a few times so I knew you knew where I was coming from doing it for the first time. Mike thanks for your encouraging words when I was ready to move on.

Now it's onto TFCDO Rectuite Level 2. Tomorrow is my "No" day and I will just do some Into-Flow and go through the Level 2 moves so I am ready for my first "Mod" day.


morazi said...

Huge congrats!!! I know it took you a few times, so it must feel fantastic to have made it all the way through.

Brian said...

Mike, Thanks for the encouragement bud it helped a lot! It should did feel great getting the 100 swipes in. I am very bad with not completing workout programs so to have completed this one was a huge accomplishment for me. It was a good feeling following through something and getting a positive out come.