Friday, September 3, 2010

Intu-Flow Beginner

Weather: Overcast right now but calling for Thunder Showers - low of 22 high of 24 (feel like 34)

- Intu-Flow (Beginner)
- Downward Dog Asana work

I am not sure when is a good time to move to the intermediate portion of Intu-Flow. Being that I have done the Tacfit Commando compensation for about two months the beginner section feels almost too "easy" if you will. The only thing that needs more work is my balance on some of the knee drills and the balance drill. I am thinking once I feel like I have the balance drill down it is time to move on. What do you guys think?

Well I will be leaving to go to the cottage on lake Muskoka after work for the long weekend. I hope the weather holds but it's not looking good they are calling for a cool rainy weekend. I will try to get in some Intu-Flow and I am still thinking about taking the clubbells to practice the swipe for the density cycle I am looking at getting into when I get back.

I did a few "GTG" swipes last night  as I feel very comfortable with the swing to cast. The swipes that I tried didn't feel bad and I was impressed how fluent they felt. I thought they were going to feel very strange because I haven't really done that movement much but they felt good.

I most likely wont be updating the blog until I get back either Tuesday or Wednesday.


Unknown said...


When practicing swipes, i did the following while learning the moves: 5x10 swings, 5x10 clean to order, 5x10 arm pit casts & finally 5x10 of swipes. I did this on T-TH-Sat while doing a KB size and strength 5x5 on M-W-F. This worked well for me. I did it with both my homemade 15s and my RMAX 25s.
Enjoy your trip!

Brian said...

Todd, thanks for the advice. How long did you do that for?

Unknown said...

I did this for the entire 3 months that I did the 5x5. At the time KBs where my focus. CBs were my active recovery.
I really didn't start doing any CST programs until I aggregated an old shoulder injury doing ROP with the 40kg. That was 4th quarter '09, now I do mostly CST and add KBs in only on mod days.