Sunday, September 19, 2010

Overindulging (High Day)

- 45 minute walk with my wife and two dogs
- Quick Intu-Flow warm up

Clubbell BB density cycle day (4)
- 20min of 5 reps each minute

Prasara yoga asanas done once for cool down
- Plow
- Cobra
- Downward Dog
- Cat
- Shoulder Bridge

- Hamstring stretch

Last night I had one or two too many drinks. I am not a drinker for the most part I will have a beer here and there but last night we had some friends over and I guess I overindulged a little bit. I am back on track today though. My wife and I both still managed to get our workouts in.

My wife and I have decided to pull a double header at the movies and to see the movie "Town" and then "Easy A". We have never seen two movies back to back but we want to see both and have nothing to do today so its going to be a "lazy day."


morazi said...

Pretty darn active for a lazy day. Good on you for getting your workouts after a fun night!

Brian said...

Morazi - Thanks, I did see the movies and we ended up walking the dogs again for about 30 minutes in the evening. It was a great day!