Friday, September 3, 2010

Offer I Couldn't Refuse

Well I did it I took the plunge and got "Prasara Primer 2.0" I wan't going to get it so soon however a post came up on RMAX Forum saying that if you order the Delux version before September 6th you get the DVD for free.

I was debating on getting the Delux or the Delux+DVD so this was the perfect opportunity to snatch it up now. It's about $30 savings plus they pay for the shipping. Yet another CST article to add to my growing library.

I was going to be buying this with in the next few months anyways so why not now!

If you want the same offer just click the "Prasara Primer 2.0" link above, and no I'm not making any money for posting the link.


morazi said...

I think you'll really like it! Coach Hurst does a great job breaking down each flow into bite size pieces. The walkthroughs are just *super* helpful if you are just staring out. (No direct experience with trying the more advanced versions, but they seem similarly well done.)

Brian said...

Thanks I have not had a log of time to play with it but I was a busy weekend.